Greet me when I come into the bar, club or venue where you are performing. If you make an effort to come to my seat, I will always tip. If I don't tip you right then and there, I WILL step up to the stage, etc., when you are dancing and tip you. I have been greeted before I walked through the door before, once in Providence, RI and the other time in Nashville, TN. I tipped both dancers immediately when they hit the stage, and let them know that was the reason I was tipping. Realize that I have arrived at this establishment to see some hot men in little or no clothing, enjoy a drink and relax. If you (the male dancer) gives me a little attention, it will contribute to my having a fun and possibly memorable night. If you contribute to the success of my night, I will contribute to your financial success by increasing my tips. (Photo: Michael Hill)
Wear something exciting. You want to visually catch my attention. Let's be clear here...I like to see dick! That of course is no problem in an all-nude club, but for the clubs where nudity is not a featured attraction, there are a few things you can do. If you wear something that outlines your privates, I will be watching. If those privates are allowed to move a little, I will be watching. If you become aroused and I see a bulge in your pants, I definitely will be watching. If you have not been so blessed up front, then wear something that shows off that ass. If you slide the waistband of your briefs down and give me a glimpse of the bubble, then I will be watching. "Show some skin and they will come in."
I tipped a dancer at Swinging Richards in Atlanta simply because he kept looking straight at me, making eye contact, and smiling. Well, he was pretty damn cute too. But the eye contact made me get up out of my chair and walk up to the stage and place a few $1 in his armband. I knew he didn't think I was special and it wasn't a "I want you look". The dancer acknowledged that I was there and existed. Was he working me for tips? Sure he was. Do I care? No, he made the effort to notice I was there. I made the effort to tip and enjoy. (Photo: Michael Bernal -FWord - NYC)
If I tip a male dancer and he says thank you, then I will return to tip him again during his next session. If he says nothing, then unless he stops by my seat after his session and says thank you, then I am through with him for the night. Saying thank you is easy and free. Acknowledge that I exist and that I am making a contribution to your financial success. If a dancer says thank you, and then comes by my table after his session to thank me again, I will tip again right then. Now I know that not all male dancers are comfortable with this, but if you are the type that gives a hug and a kiss on the cheek, well, I will be back....just sayin'. What else can I say, I like attention from hot half-naked or naked men. It works on me.Photo: Males In Motion archive
5. CREATE A DRAMA FREE ZONE When an exotic male dancer arrives to work, he must leave all drama outside the door. I'm there for my fantasies, my escape, my pleasure, my stress release...not yours. I don't want to hear you complaining to the other dancers, other fans who may be friends, and least of all, do I want you complaining to me. If you bring your drama in the room, it is going to bring down my experience. If this happens, I will avoid you like the plague. The last thing I need is more drama when I am trying to relax. All I can say is that I will maintain a drama free zone around myself. If that means I must avoid you, I will. And there goes any potential for tip money.
6. AVOID EXCESS Get drunk and/or high on your own time. If you choose to participate in alcohol or drug abuse, hey, that's your business. But when you do it on my time at the club, then I will leave you alone. I have stated before that I have visited clubs where a dancer was tweaked out and visiting another planet. If I can't interact with you, then I will leave you alone. However, there are others, let's just call them predators, who will welcome an opportunity to find you in that state. If you choose to use and abuse in an unguarded, unsafe environment, then don't be surprised where you wind up. Be careful please.
7. REMOVE YOUR TIARA Although a tiara would most often be associated with a countess, woman of means, or a drag queen, in this case we ask you to remove the little crown from your "large head" and come back down to earth. If a dancer has a prima donna attitude, unless he is drop-dead gorgeous with an Adonis body, and lies down naked on a bed and tells me, "go for it...enjoy", then I'm going to find another dancer who lives on this plane. You see I can be shallow too, and can enjoy your beautiful body without having to interact with you on a mental or emotional level, if you have given your permission. Hey, I'm a gay male...it's in my physical makeup. But of course, we both know if you are pushing attitude then you're not going to make yourself available as described above. And I also find it so much sexier and enjoyable if the other party is a willing and active participant in such activity. Confidence in your look, abilities, the way you carry yourself, your goals, etc., that is great and a positive virtue. But your good looks will fade so while you can, build something positive behind those looks that will carry you later in life.
8. PLEASE DON'T OVERWORK ME When an exotic male dancer is working the room, I like to be worked. As I stated above, I like the attention. But please don't overwork me. If I tell you I don't want a lap dance, or am not ready to go into the VIP Lounge, then take it at face value. Ask me one time and that is enough. If I want you to come back by, then I will say drop by later and we'll do it. I remember another dancer at Swinging Richards who was smart about this. He had asked about a lap dance or a trip to the VIP room but I wasn't interested. I had already picked a different dancer that I wanted for those activities. This dancer came back around later in the night and began giving me a neck, shoulder and upper back rub. Think about it...a hot male dancer wearing very little clothing was rubbing on my neck...good. He was skillfully removing the tension from my neck and shoulders....very good. I began tipping him in return...good. It was a win-win situation. He didn't overwork me but gave me something of value in exchange. ( I wish he was here right now. I could use another neck and shoulder rub.)
You look great in your underwear and I am enjoying it. Let's take it to the next level. Try a cowboy look, military look, athlete look, leather look, etc., and capture my fantasies. It is no secret that I love cowboys. So, if you are wearing a cowboy hat and boots, then I am putty. If you follow steps 1-8 and then are dressed like a cowboy, it is almost certain that you will receive all the cash in my pocket that I have set aside for the night. It just works for me. There are other fans who feel the same about leather, military men, athletes, etc. Push their buttons and more tips will come your way. Also, if I am celebrating a special event in my life, look for the signs and join in. Come by and tell me congratulations. You might even offer a free lap dance to honor my night. Don't worry, I will still tip but the offer will make a difference in my experience of the night. (Photo: Ethan - Columbus, OH)
Notice that I am recommending you learn to dance as the last tip. The reason it is last is because I have watched exotic male dancers make lots of money in tips when all they have done is shuffle around the floor a little. You will never describe what they do as actual dancing. They receive the extra in tips because they interact well with the crowd, look exceptionally hot, or have become a crowd favorite....or dozens of other reasons. So, honestly it isn't always a requirement to be a good dancer. However, if you can follow tips 1-9 and you are a skillful exotic dancer, then you have the potential for a long career in the field. If you know your dancing ability needs a little work, I recommend that you seek out male dancers who can dance and copy their techniques. When traveling out of town, allow yourself some time to stop in at a club with male dancers and watch what they are doing, and try it out yourself. (Photo: Pan Dulce - San Diego, CA)
I hope these tips will contribute to your financial success. Until next time, 'show some skin and they will come in.'
NOTE: To learn more about the clubs or dancers featured in the pics, click on the pic to go to their facebook page or website.
im sure i gonna be using ur tips every night im working