Monday, February 20, 2012

The 9 Inches of Success
Inch One: Give Me Some Attention

   It's all about the exotic male dancer fan!  That's the most important concept for successful bars, clubs, events, or agencies that feature exotic male dancers.   It doesn't seem possible but Males In Motion has been around for nine years. I have visited many bars, clubs and events that feature exotic male dancers.  During 2012, I'll be posting the 9 inches or 9 characteristics I've found in most of the successful bars, club, or events where I've played! Those with the full nine inches are always the most successful! We begin in this blog with the first inch, "I Want Some Attention!".

   As a gay man who travels to see exotic male dancers around the U.S., North America, and ultimately the globe, I want it made clear.....I WANT ATTENTION FROM THE SEXY DANCING BOYZ!  Yes, I want some attention.  Is it clear yet, I want some attention from the hottie wearing little or no clothing. (I guess he doesn't have to be dancing if he has little or no clothing on....wait, I digress. Back to my point.)
   When I walk in the door of the establishment or event where you are dancing, let me know that I am visible and exist! From the perspective of the owner/manager/bartender/dancer, I am a potential source of income for your business and ultimately your pocket.  Therefore, it only stands to reason that I would be given some attention.  Greet me when I walk in the door, or when you notice I am in the club.

   We aren't desperate for attention.  We aren't hunchbacks.  We just enjoy exotic male dancers as entertainment.  I've often observed the male dancer who has an over-inflated sense of his importance in the scheme of things and waits for his adoring subjects to come and worship him....not going to happen here.  Or, I have seen those who spend more time looking in the mirror at themselves.  If they are really hot, they'll make a few tips.  But why make chump change when you can make a successful living by taking the time to provide a little stimulation to those with the cash in their wallets.
   Giving attention helps loosen the vice grip on the billfold and the cash can flow out from their pocket into your waistband.

  Here's a special note to owners/managers/bartenders,
...when the customers are happy, they will return...
when the customers are happy, they will stay around longer...
when the customers are happy they will drink more...
and when the customers are happy, they will tip more.

It's just practical human nature.  Now, to the fans/ me train them.  Tip those who provide attention, ignore those who are too wrapped up in themselves.  That will be a win-win for all of us!

   Until next time, give me this first inch and we'll work on inch two.


Follow this link to the next blog in this series:
The 9 Inches of Success Inch 2: Tease Me To Please Me

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bar Review ~ The Park ~ Oklahoma City, OK

   During the past couple of months my real life has stepped in demanding my full attention. That has unfortunately led to fewer blogs and fewer bar/club reviews. However, a few weeks ago I stood up to my real life and told it that I had to get away for the weekend. I hit the road with my partner and found myself in Oklahoma City, OK. And it was just what I needed. By the time I arrived on Friday night I was very tired from the week, and my body was saying 'stay in and go to bed'. But I had been to some of the clubs in OKC before and I was eager to visit again.

   We started the night at one of our favorites, "The Park". The bar is one of those "lets meet at the Park and then decide what else we want to do" type places. You start your night here, have a couple of drinks, and watch the male dancers. On this particular night, there were two dancers. One was a slim, yet muscular dancer with tattoos. He wore a nice pair of small green briefs that presented his 'boys' in grand style. You know what they say about the slim guys...and it was true in this case. The other dancer was cute, popular with the crowd, and a more medium sized guy. He enjoyed teasing the crowd. He was a pro at not really showing anything but making you think you're seeing more. They both danced on cube shaped platforms in different areas of the bar. So, for a person of regular height, your face is right where you want it to be. ***evil grin***

   There was no cover and we enjoyed a couple of drinks each that were reasonably priced. The crowd was small early but picked up later. At one point we left to check out a different club and then returned before going back to our hotel. And since we had enjoyed ourselves Friday night, we returned again on Saturday night. The slim dancer had returned and I applaud his choice of underwear. If fit him well, and presented him well...all the way around.

   On a final note, there are a couple of cute bartenders that work at The Park as well. So, not only do you get eye candy on the dancing platforms, but also behind the bar. If you need a weekend getaway and find yourself in Oklahoma City, OK, go by The Park. I recommend a good whiskey that you sip slowly as you watch the dancers and the crowd. Let yourself unwind, and always, yes always, tip the boyz!

The Park Info:
Facebook Page
Address: 2125 NW39th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: 405.528.4690

UPDATE: 3-22-2012    I was told this past weekend that the park has stopped hosting exotic male dancers. If this changes I will update the information here.~ Mike