Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
When we see a pic or watch a video online in social media that we really like, we give it our song of approval. The content of this pic or video is always, always, always related to hot men in or out of underwear, or exotic male dancers. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
As an extension of this award presentation, we have decided to dedicate a blog to an exotic male dancer that has captured our attention. And we don't even know his name. We've asked those in the know who might have an answer but so far, no one has been able to tell us. If you know, please comment below and tell us. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
We went way back to the 70s to select our song of approval. The song is "Get Down On It" by Kool & The Gang. It's posted below. And even though the lyrics are talking about dancing, we recommend that you use your imagination and dirty mind to have more fun with the song. Click play and give it a listen as you look at the gallery of pics we've provided. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
The recipient of this song is a male dancer who performs at Piranha Nightclub in Las Vegas, NV. And even though we've dedicated this blog to him and have searched through the Piranha Nightclub Facebook photo albums to find more pics of him, please don't accuse us of being cyber stalkers. All we want to know is "who is he?". That's all. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
After we book our flight and hotel room in Las Vegas so we can go to Piranha Nightclub to see this sexy male dancer, then you can maybe say we are obsessed...maybe... But in our defense, it's not like we haven't been this way before about other male dancers. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
We invite you to look at the pics in this blog of said dancer, and then see if you also start having a urgent desire to want to take a trip to Las Vegas, and then visit Piranha Nightclub. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
But most importantly, What's his name? Do you know? |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
If you have a male dancer obsession, go to Mike's Facebook page and tell him about it. We may feature your obsession as one of our monthly obsessions. |
Photo Source: Piranha Nightclub Facebook |
Until next time, if you're in Las Vegas, please go to Piranha Nightclub and tip this dancer. And while there, ask him his name. Enquiring minds like ours would like to know. |
UPDATE: Drumroll please!!!! Finally after two months... we have an answer... the dancer featured in this blog is Axel!!! Thanks to our Facebook friend Dudenova Chris for finding out this info for us! |
Click below and watch those sexy French Canadian boys!
Advertisement We love how AC underwear looks on exotic male dancers! |
Friday, January 20, 2017
What 'cha Gonna Do? Get Down On It ~ "Axel" Our January Obsession
Monday, January 16, 2017
Take It Off Early Boys!
Make My Hour Very Happy!
Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital |
When I was in my 20s, I could go out to the bar until 2:00am, then sleep 3-4 hours, and then go to work. In my mind, I thought I was being productive at my job, but I can't say for sure. I only know that the next day I drank a lot of coffee and stayed awake. Of course, I usually crashed early that evening when I got back home. I remember a few lunch hours when I took a short nap while sitting in my car as well. There are many potential customers out there who were just like me. And are still like me now. However, things have changed a bit. |
As we have matured and climbed higher in our careers, we have stopped staying out so late on a week night, or "work" night. Instead, we now choose to get a good night's sleep so we can be productive, effective, and successful. What if you could go out and watch and tip the dancing boys, have a drink or two, and still be home in time to get a good night's sleep? I think it is possible. I'm on a mission to reinvent the happy hour! |
Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital |
There is an untapped market out there that isn't being reached. I'm talking about working professionals of a more mature age who must be awake and mentally sharp at their jobs in order to remain successful. They still love the dancing boys but their careers are important to them. They choose to stay at home on weeknights and may come out on the weekends. There are also traveling professionals who are only in the area during the week, and return home for the weekend. If there was a happy hour with go-go boys, male strippers, pole dancers, etc., they would be enticed to step out after work. Many of them would love a place to unwind with their favorite cocktail while slipping dollars in the waistbands of hot male dancers. And with an early happy hour, they would be able to have fun with the boys, and then make it home in time to sleep the sleep of Titans. |
Let's throw a little reality in here. These same working professionals are the ones who will have more disposable income with which to buy the drinks, and tip the boys and bartenders. They work hard and make 'good money', and would have no problem tipping at a time which is more convenient for their current lifestyle. |
Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital |
I recommend a two-hour happy hour that has a definite starting time between 5:30pm and 7:30pm. It will also have a definite ending time between 7:30 to 9:30pm. I wouldn't start any earlier than 5:30pm because most professionals will not leave their work location before 5:00pm and often stay later. I would end the happy hour by 9:30 pm. The professional needs to know he can get home in time to get the amount of sleep he feels is needed. A start time and a finish time are a must. If the happy hour doesn't start on time and doesn't end within the two hour period, you will begin to lose them. They will be frustrated and feel someone is wasting their valuable time. As a result, they will choose to not stop by, or will go somewhere else where they feel their time is valued and respected. |
If the male dancers are to be go-go boys or pole dancers, they should dance in shifts, allowing time to walk around and work the crowd. They need time for gathering tips and seeing that the customers are enjoying themselves. If male strippers are to be the main course for the happy hour, then determine how many numbers each stripper will do to fill the two hour time. Remember to allow time for breaks so the customers will grab another cocktail or beer. Your bartenders will be grateful. At the designated ending time, it ends whether all strip numbers have been performed are not. This encourages your customers to feel an urgency to get there on time, or they are going to miss the show. Plus, if you have male dancers performing later in the evening, this gives the dancers time for a break before the late shift, if they work both. It also allows a break signaling it's time for the early crowd to leave and the late crowd to arrive. |
Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital |
The happy hour experience can be packaged and presented in many different ways with theme nights, drink specials, special give-away prizes, and more, all kept on track by a comical drag queen host. Each bar/club will have to determine how best to cater to their local clientele. Personally, I do not go to the happy hour to dance. I stop by merely to enjoy a dirty martini, watch some dancing pretty boys in their underwear or less, and slide tips in the waistbands of my favorites. And if available, I would consider a private lap dance in a more private area of the club. As I grow older, not elderly, but older, I like the idea of a bartender/waiter who stops by my table, takes my drink order and returns to serve me. And if he happens to be shirtless and in his underwear, well, that works for me as well. I will of course, tip him. |
I'm asking all bar/club owners and managers to consider having a happy hour with male dancers at their location. Those of you who would happily participate in such a happy hour, please let your local bar/club managers and owners know. We all know that if an activity can prove to be financially lucrative, it will be considered and hopefully implemented. |
Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital |
If you know of such a happy hour that is already in existence, and especially if you are a part of it whether serving, dancing or tipping and drinking, please let me know. Add a comment below or send me a message through our website. We'd like to learn about success stories. We want to know what works and what doesn't work. We want to gather information to pass on to others to bring back the happy hour in it's full and revised glory. We are currently scheduling our 2017 travels to stop in at happy hours across North America. We'd like to add your location to our itinerary. And even if you don't call it happy hour, if customers are being served alcohol at an early hour, and there are exotic male dancers performing at the same time, we would love to hear about it. |
Until next time, find a happy hour with male dancers in your area. Tip the dancers extra during happy hour. Let's make it very happy for the boyz! Dollars talk and I'd like to hear them loud and clear. With a happy hour, dancers will have more opportunities to earn their money...some early, and then some more at the regular times. |
Click below and watch those sexy French Canadian boys!
Advertisement We love how AC underwear looks on exotic male dancers! |
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