First and most often, I have encountered the "Gentleman (or Lady)" tipper. The Gentleman/Lady tipper is very courteous and in no way wants to appear too aggressive. They will politely slide the dollar bill into the waistband of the dancer, smile and walk away. They may behave this way because they are shy, or do not have much experience with male strippers, or it is just their personality to always be the gentleman/lady.
The "Sentry" stands watch near the dancer. They usually tip early and then remain nearby just in case the stripper may need their assistance. They observe and visually scrutinize any bar patron that moves close. When another person tips and moves away, they quickly step in to mark their territory by tipping again. They want to re-establish that they still have that special understanding with the dancer. These people are just weird.
The "Sugar Daddy or Sugar Momma (Cougar)" love their boys and make sure they love them back by spreading the love around, or mostly the cash. They are usually older and have done well financially and enjoy spending their money on new toys. They are the tippers who drop more than one dollar bills. They may slide in a five, ten, twenty, or who knows if they really like the dancer. My hat is tipped to these guys. They know how to have fun and have the wealth to make it happen.
The "Magician" gets the most out of the tipping experience. While placing dollar bills into the dancers waistband, they perform slight of hand movements with their hands, fingers, arms, elbows, chin, cheeks, nose, etc. All become tools that almost invisibly slide across the dancer's body exploring places that many have only dreamed about visiting. Only the dancer and the Magician are aware of the true depths that have been explored.
These are a few of the types of tippers that I have observed. There are others I'm sure. Do you recognize any of these? Are you one of them? Or, do you have your own style? Send me an email or post a comment. I want to know...will you explode? Perform magic? Or make sure the rest of us keep having a good time?
Patrick Daniel posted this on my facebook page, "You missed one. The 'Scout': they check out a dancer's tips in their g-string/underwear and when they go to tip the dancer they will wrap their arms around them and switch bills. Fooling around and they give $1.00 and take out a $5, $10 or $20 that they find on the dancers back side of their G-string/Underwear. I have seen this during 11 years dealing with male dancers and producing Hunters Hunks Male Dancers. I tell my dancers when someone tips your back side move the bills to your front side, and you know what you also have."
Until next time, make it rain!