He stood tall on the box at the bar and moved his lean, athletic body to the music. He was not exceptionally handsome but rather what I would describe as cute. As he danced, he frequently looked my way and made eye contact. Each time this occurred, he gave me that smile. You know that smile I'm talking about. The one that makes the fantasies go off in your head. And of course, I eventually got up and walked over to this hot go-go dancer and began slipping one dollar bills into the waistband of his red bikini briefs. He bent his knees and squatted down to my level, asked me my name, gave me a hug, then a kiss on the cheek, and said thank you. We chatted for a few minutes and I went back to my seat.
If nothing else had happened that night, I would have marked it up as a good night simply for this one experience. He knew why he was there, what his job should be, and how to carry it out. I was the customer and he provided the customer service that I had entered the bar to receive. I would now be going home remembering him and hoping that the next time I entered this bar that he would be dancing. A successful exotic male dancer is first and foremost focused on customer service. If the bar or club patrons are having a good time, then the financial rewards (tips) will follow. There are things that the beginning dancer can do to help prepare themselves for customer service. If you are experienced, please review these steps as well to see how you are doing. We will deal with each one individually in later blogs but for now here is an overview of what Males In Motion considers ten important characteristics for successful exotic male dancers to possess.
For assistance with getting your body into shape check out this fitness source: Scott Herman Fitness
NOTE: If you do not already know them, ask the event, bar or club manager what the state laws are concerning physical interaction with the audience. Each venue should already have that information available to you before you dance. The event, bar or club may also have their own policies.
As mentioned before, you are a salesman providing a fantasy experience. If you are able to dress the part and wear the underwear, shorts, costumes, etc., that fit the theme of the club night or event, then you will have more opportunities to work. If you are an exotic male stripper and can develop the art of seduction as you remove articles of clothing, the fans will remember you. You will make more in tips. And you will be asked to work again by the bar, club or event managers. You have been hired to add to the atmosphere of the bar or club. Or you may be the featured event of the night. Do your part to make the experience positive for the fan, the management, and for yourself. Remember what you wear when you receive more in tips. What you wear may provide the incentive for that audience member to walk your way and tip you. If you are a male stripper, think about what you are doing as you remove pieces of clothing. You are performing a "strip tease". You are teasing the customers. Take your time and make it a game. This will be fun for you and the potential tippers as well.
NOTE: Each state has their own laws concerning public nudity. Ask the event, bar or club manager before you dance. The venue may have their own policies as well. Many states require certain body parts to be covered. If the state allows nudity, there may be a proximity statute as well. For example, in Nashville when the dancers at Club Arrow are nude while on stage, they have to remain three feet away from the audience.
Resources: Read this blog and article for more on what to wear.
* "What type of underwear does it for you?
* Match Your Body Type To The Best Underwear For You
(For additional information on working with the crowd, please click this link and read my blog about Saying Thank You!
In some social situations the job of being an exotic male dancer has a negative stigma attached to it. Some of your friends or family may not approve and will let you know it. Do you have the confidence in yourself to rise above criticism and perform to the best of your ability? There are also fans who will make the incorrect assumption that with a little encouragement, usually of a financial nature, you will be willing to perform the role of a prostitute. A situation could arise that will require you to make it clear that you are an exotic male dancer and entertainer only. There are some exotic male dancers who are also escorts and porn stars. If your career includes other activities of a sexual nature, you will need to determine where, when and with who those activities will occur and make sure that it is clear with the bar, club or event audience members.
Related blogs:
**2013 Evaluate Your Look ~ Seeing Is Believing!
***2013 Evaluate Your Look ~ My Favorite Things
Do you have a comment or suggestion that you would like to add? I would love to hear your thoughts. If so, add a comment at the end of this blog, or click here and send me an email. Also, if you are an exotic male dancer, let me know where you are dancing. I might just drop in. Until next time, slide those dollar bills into the waistbands and keep the boyz dancing!
The first male dancer I ever saw really liked to be touched. He took my hand and pushed it all the way in his g-string, providing the opportunity to feel everything in there. Then he kissed me. This spoiled me for many years, as most dancers did not do that! Some dancers do not communicate where the limit is at all. I have had dancers get physical if I touched too much. They were flirting and encouraging more touching, but apparently there is sometimes an invisible line. Dancers need to communicate the limits NICELY with a customer. I have asked dancers what the limit is and am usually told to do whatever I want and they will stop me in time.
ReplyDeleteI only see 5 tips?
ReplyDeleteThere's a link at the bottom for part 2... steps 6-10.
DeleteHere is the link for part 2 as well:
Thanks for reading.
Nice blog with handsome male strippers.