Saturday, December 6, 2014

Club Review: Bamboo Lounge - Tulsa, OK
Step Into The Shadow

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   I get excited when I learn that a club has added a night for exotic male dancers to their weekly line-up. It provides another opportunity for me to enjoy my favorite form of entertainment. Recently this happened at the Bamboo Lounge in Tulsa, OK. If you're not from the Tulsa area, you may be tempted to shrug and say "big deal". But let me give you a little additional information.

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   You see, Bamboo Lounge is a big deal and has earned my respect whether they have male dancers or not. The Bamboo Lounge was started in 1957, helping to pave the way for what the gay community of Tulsa enjoys today. They've been through the trial-by-fire and are still standing. I tip my hat and my dirty martini to them and say "THANK YOU!" The very act of parking my car and freely walking into this bar will never be taken for granted. The early gay patrons to visit this bar, would have had a very different experience than we do today!

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   At the invitation of my good friend Craig, I stopped by for the "Thrust And Lust" Thursday. The evening involves several male dancers who go through a rotation first at the dancer pole, then move to the front dancer box, and then mingle with the customers.

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   Four of the dancers from the night's schedule, stopped by my table and thanked me for coming and made me feel welcome. Guys it matters... thanks. This was one of the best parts of my experience at the Bamboo Lounge...the interaction between customers and dancers.

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   Watching the dancers at the pole was as always, enjoyable for me. But as I said, interacting with the dancers, staff and patrons was what distinguished the Bamboo Lounge from many other bars and clubs I have visited. I enjoyed spending some time chatting with the dancer named Reese. Damien stopping by and sitting in my lap, well, I probably enjoyed that a bit too! And I'll add, the friendly bartender and customers will give me additional motivation to come back again...soon!

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   The shadow box was most definitely a highlight of my night. One of the Males In Motion mottos is "It's all about the tease!" The shadow box is the perfect demonstration of this motto. You see it but you don't see it.

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   You see it's shadow only but you know the real thing is there. And believe me...there was much about the real thing that was impressive. The tease of the shadow box will drive you crazy while keeping a smile on your face. You'll want to get a seat that gives you a clear and unobstructed view of the shadow box window.

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   There was a variety of dancer types in the night's rotation. So, if you prefer a specific body type, there is one to please. And hang around for later in the night and watch the Underwear contest. Anyone can participate and possibly win. And if you don't want to enter, you'll enjoy the eye candy.

(Photo Source: Michael Hill Digital)
   If you live in the Tulsa area, I recommend the Bamboo Lounge, especially for Tuesday and Thursday nights when the boyz will be dancing. And when those boys perform in the shadow box, make sure once they step back out, tip to show your appreciation! If any of the readers want to take a shadow pic of your own, send it to me at Until next time, put a few extra dollars in the waistbands...the boyz deserve a little extra this time of year!

The Nude Male Dancers of Stockbar in Montreal
Click the pic and see much more!

(Photo Source: Stockbar ~ Montreal)

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