(Photo Source: Unknown) |
Recently one of the members of an online exotic male dancer fan group that I am associated with posted a pic of a young man covering his male essentials with a bandana. I have posted the pic above. The group questioned the location of this pic as to whether it might be in New Orleans or in the Keys of Florida. Most of the group seemed to think it was from the Keys. The discussion brought back a memory of a pic taken by Ken Brown, a photographer in Chicago a couple of years ago. In this pic, below, the male dancer has used the bandana in a similar fashion. |
(Photo Source: Ken Brown Photography |
I decided to post this mini-blog to make a request that exotic male dancers every where unite and wear your penis bandana with pride, for pride, to show pride, to be proud....oh hell, I don't care why you wear it. I'd just like to see more of you wearing them. Personally, I think the look is hot, and I think there should be more penis bandanas every where. |
(Photo Source: Wilson Models |
There are those times when the **hoo-haw (see definition at end of blog) has to be covered. For those moments, I always recommend the barest, smallest, tiniest piece of costuming required. I think the penis bandana serves this purpose. It's also an unbelievably major tease as well. And the tease is what being a male stripper is all about! Your fans will thank you as I do now. Until next time, let's empty the stores of bandanas. And if I am at a club and a male dancer wears a penis bandana, I promise to tip double. |
(Photo Source: Mark's List |
**From The MIM Reference Book: Hoo-Haw - Located in the groin area of the male body. In the vernacular often referred to as the penis, dick, junk, schlong, johnson, rod, my pony, big Mike, and many others too numerous to list. |
Post Blog Photo
After this blog was posted I found this pic online and decided to add it for your enjoyment. |
(Photo Source: Somewhere on facebook) |
Wilson Models blog featured this use of the penis bandana in one of their blogs. |
(Photo Source: Wilson Models |
(Photo Source: Posted in Facebook by Cobalt) |
(Photo Source: JC from the Xroom in Springfield, MA |
(Photo Source: Photographer Kevin McDermott |
(Photo Source: Facebook Wall Post of Jay Diamond |
(Photo Source: Somewhere on Flickr) |
(Photo Source: Chris Harder on Facebook) |
(Photo Source: Barrel87) |
(Photo Source: Males In Motion Secret Facebook Group.. posted by Cobalt) |
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Penis Bandana
Say Yes To This Costume Option Please!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I Like It Real, Raw and Gritty!
Show The Reality!
I like it real! I like it raw! And I like it gritty! That could apply to many things but for me, and for this blog, it applies to a night at a male strip club or club with exotic male dancers. As a customer, a fan, or club patron, I want the male dancers to be just a bit naughty and tease the hell out of the customers, make them all go home wanting more. I want them to strip down and wear the least they can wear by law in that given location, and flaunt what mother nature has given them. |
What do I mean by real? I have watched a move online toward slicker graphics in advertising, images with seemingly perfect bodies, some enhanced through creative photo shop expertise, and dazzling light displays in facilities that look more like a Disneyland attraction. Don't get me wrong, they have their place and many customers enjoy them. And the enjoyment for the customer is what it's all about. But for me, I want to go where I feel like I might possibly be doing something I shouldn't be doing. You know, the feeling like I might get caught with my pants down, or should I say, the dancer's pants down. I want to feel like I'm slipping out for the night and might get into some kind of trouble, preferably trouble with some hot, young male dancer. And when I check out a website, facebook page, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc., I want to see images that reflect the actual dancers at a location, even if they aren't greek gods. I want to know what kind of trouble I might get into before I arrive, even if it's only in my fantasies. |
What do I mean by raw? I want to see the uncensored, uncut version of what is actually going on at a bar, club or private party. Through the pics I want to experience the event vicariously. I like pics of male dancers actually dancing, swinging on the pole, receiving tips, etc., rather than huddled together in a group like they are taking a high school club photo. The scripted viewing of a Broadway or other theater production is great and serves it's audience well. But show me through your videos and digital images the exotic male dancers who are sweating because the room is hot. Show me the customer who is sneaking in an ass squeeze with one hand while tipping with the other. Show me a lap dance where the male dancer is getting into the customer as much as the customer is getting into the male dancer. I like to see those uncontrolled moments that make an event unique and real....uncensored. |
What do I mean by gritty? Remove the fake gloss. Remove the slickness. Send the bad boys my way. I most enjoy the male dancers who like being a dancer; enjoy all the attention they get; have worked to build and maintain a decent body; and are exhibitionist at heart. They are comfortable in their own skin and know how to work it. They know how to play the game. And my game is this...they give me attention, a lot of tease, a possible...(shhh, this part is between me and them), and I in turn give them my hard earned cash in tips, carefully placed in places they allow me to go. |
Until next time, make it real, raw and gritty! I'll see you there. And please, don't forget to tip the 'bad boys'! |
(Special thanks to C Marcelo for the photos used in this blog.) |
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Club Review: The Tin Room ~ Dallas, TX
Which cookie do you grab first?
(Photo Source: C Marcelo) |
Males In Motion stopped in at The Tin Room a few weeks ago on a Friday night. The club was packed with men both exotic male dancers and customers. We arrived around 9:30pm and I counted 20 dancers in the room at that time. It was a smorgasbord for this male dancer fan. Anywhere that you could want to sit or stand, there were male dancers close-at-hand. (And I always try to keep my hands close.) It reminded me of my favorite bakery. I love their cookies and they have all different types, shapes and colors of cookies. I love them all! The decision is always difficult to make...I mean which cookie do you want to grab first? And I'll admit it, I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar on more than one occasion. From where I sat, there were hot male dancers in front of me, to my left, to my right and behind me. Yes, I had chosen the perfect place to sit. I wore out the cover on the stool where I was sitting from all the spinning around that I kept doing. |
(Photo Source: C Marcelo) |
There were a few career milestones reached for me in this visit to The Tin Room. First, for my three day visit to Dallas, the largest pouch requirement was found at The Tin Room. There is the full pouch and then there is the FULL pouch. This was definitely the FULL pouch. I both saluted, and paused for a moment of silence to express my inner gratitude and appreciation. It was a special moment. I didn't get the dancer's name. He was rather busy as you might understand. The second milestone and in a similar experience, I gained a new appreciation for the stars and stripes. Joel, you make me proud to be an American exotic male dancer fan. Joel is a definite hottie that would stand out in any crowd. His choice of underwear inspired me to give another one for the good ol' red, white and blue...or should I say "another ones ($)". Last but definitely not least, the third milestone reached was there were more brief covered pouches laid upon my thigh and poised upon my knee at the Tin Room than at any club of it's kind I have ever been to. The memory of it almost brings me to....well, let's say, brings me to tears...tears of joy that is. Of course, the memory has other effects on me as well, but this is not the time or the place for that story. A friend of mine would say that those memories are for deposits in the spank bank. And we'll just leave it at that. |
(Photo Source: C Marcelo) |
Special thanks goes out from us to the dancer Robby, who looked exceptional in the green Addicted underwear. Thanks for looking exceptional but also, instead of just 'working' us, you took the time to make us feel welcome. A little attention goes a long way for a customer. Not that we complain about a dancer 'working' us either...yea, we like that part too. Another dancer that caught our eye was George in his black Calvin Kleins. He's cute, sexy and friendly. When we were there he danced a lot on the back stage that was close to the rest rooms. He was one of the main reasons I kept spinning around on the stool. Yes, George, you made me want to sit-and-spin. Woohoo! |
(Photo Source: C Marcelo) |
We recommend The Tin Room without any reservation. Any male dancer fan who enters its doors for the purpose of having fun, will definitely do so. We recommend you go early for the best parking and the best seats. Until next time, we wish you vivid dreams of large male pouches resting on your knee, and the real thing as well! And please, don't forget to tip the boyz! |
(Special thanks to C Marcelo for the photos used in this blog.) |
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