Saturday, August 2, 2014

Let's Get Nekkid...
Mike's Picks For Full Views Of Baskets And Buns

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)
   I was born and raised a southerner, and in the south we like to either create our own words or pronounce words our own way. One such word is nekkid. Nekkid is our way of talking about someone who is wearing no clothes. You might say naked or nude. Or, you might use a phrase like "in the buff" or "wearing nothing but their birthday suit". Our phrase would be "nekkid as a jay bird." I don't know why or if jay birds are ever nekkid but that's what we say, and the message gets across.

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)
   Let's say that lately you've been sitting/standing at that job of yours and thinking, "I need a break!" You're wanting to get away from it all! Personally I like to recommend that you go see the dancing boys, have a few drinks, maybe dance a bit, possibly hook up, etc., so where should you go?

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)
   When I have the time and the budget, I like to plan a weekend that allows me to go see my dancing men nekkid. And when a weekend like that gets to happen, I'll be playing at one of the following locations. Some of these locations are more than a weekend's trip away for me but I'm hoping that those of you who are close, will please go in my place and enjoy the nekkid boys in your area. And when you get back, I want to hear all about it. So either email me or write a comment after this blog.

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)
   Did I miss one of your favorites? Let me know where you would go to see the nekkid men. You might give me an idea for my next weekend nekkid getaway. I mean sometimes you just want to get nekkid. Until next time, don't forget to tip the boys in the socks or armbands...they'll be nekkid so you won't have any underwear to put it in.

(Photo Source: MIM Archives)

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