(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
"Just the right size and they last for quite a while!" That was the feedback response of a satisfied customer on a candy sales website. Such an appropriate expression for this blog where we are featuring what I am calling the "Southern Cal Jawbreaker". If you have never had one, a jawbreaker is a round, hard candy that you keep in your mouth and keep swirling it around. There's no explanation needed here. You get the idea. I recommend you simply enjoy the 'eye candy'. And if you happen to be at a club or event where these dancers are performing, please let them know Mike at Males In Motion has expressed his appreciation in this blog. |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
Before I go any further I must say thanks to Brenden-John Photography for continually bringing many of the jawbreaker images to us. In the past I lived in Southern Cal and was able to experience first-hand some of the most beautiful men in the world dancing in the clubs of West Hollywood and other areas around Los Angeles. But currently, being several hundred miles away, I rely on these images for my visual feast. And I regularly return for second helpings or even thirds. |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
Our favorite candy store this week is Here Lounge in West Hollywood, California (WeHo). We wish to express our gratitude for their providing a location where these 'larger-than-life' male dancers can perform. We bow at your expertise in acquiring and hiring them to perform. |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
And since we are expressing thanks, let us also thank Andrew Christian for designing some of the most creative and colorful packaging in which to showcase the jawbreaker in its fullness. Unlike some candy wrappers, you often can't tell what is actually on the inside. Andrew Christian has provided a covering that molds itself around every bulge and curve so that we can see and enjoy. This is even more valuable in those locations where the law will not allow jawbreakers to be seen outside their packaging. |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography featuring Here Lounge in West Hollywood, CA) |
The thing about finishing a jawbreaker off, is that even though your jaw may get tired, it's not long before you're ready for another one. Did you know that jawbreakers even come in jumbo size? Until next time, visit a candy store near you and enjoy a 'jawbreaker'. And don't forget to tip the boyz! |
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The Southern Cal Jawbreaker
Isn't that a type of candy?
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Building A Fan Base
Push Their Buttons
(Photo Source: Pulse Saturdays Facebook) |
For an exotic male dancer to be financially successful it goes without saying that he must have fans who are willing to hand over their hard earned cash to him. We call that tipping. Now there are some dancers who have been 'blessed' with looks and/or large endowments and have worked hard to build a body to go with it. If you are that lucky then you may be able to step out onto the stage, box, etc., and have the audience standing in line to slide dollar bills into your waist band. However, that may not be the case. If not, then you need to build a fan base. |
When we say the phrase 'fan base', we are talking about a group of people who know you, want to come to the see you dance, and enjoy tipping you. I get feedback all the time from the fans. It usually happens when I mention a particular club, and they'll say something like, "you need to go see Mark, he's my favorite dancer there." That lets me know that they are a member of Mark's fan base. They have seen him dance before. They have tipped him, and obviously, they like him for one reason or another. |
(Photo Source: Blaze taken by Michael Hill Digital) |
So how does a male dancer build a fan base? Well, all I can tell you is basically how I become a member of a particular dancers group of fans. First, when I walk into the door of a bar or club and a dancer comes up to me and speaks to me, then he's made a good start at reeling me in. He may just say hello, or thank me for coming out to the club. The important thing is that he acknowledges that I exist and have come to enjoy the entertainment and a drink or two. Now whether I tip him or not will depend on what happens next. |
Like all fans, I check out all the dancers and make a visual evaluation. If I like the way a dancer looks, or the way he is built, or maybe just how big that bulge is between his legs, I will decide on whether I want to walk up to the stage and drop a few dollars. However, tipping a dancer isn't always based on my personal evaluation. If while he is dancing he looks my way and gives me a smile, then I will most likely be persuaded to get up and go tip him. I've said it before, when it comes to exotic male dancers, I am easy. If after he has finished his session he stops by my table and says thank you and visits for a minute or two, I will tip him again while he is there. |
(Photo Source: Brenden-John Photography) |
Now here is the kicker. When I return to the club and the same dancer is there...if he remembers me then he has scored big points in my book. If he has gone to the trouble to learn my name before and calls me by name, then I will become a card carrying member of his fan base. That doesn't necessarily mean that I will hold on to my membership for life. You see, I want attention each and every time I see this particular dancer. Now, I don't expect him to spend his entire night at my side, I mean, I want him to work the room and make good money for the night. But, he has to continue to work me as well. |
So, how does an exotic male dancer work me without being annoying? I recommend the "stop and go" approach. Stop by my table, give me a little attention and then go to the next customer. Then later in the night, stop by my table again and then move on. You see, I am sure to become a member of the fan base of several different dancers and I want to make sure I get my allotted time and attention from each and every one. And while I am getting that attention, I will be sliding those dollar bills into the nether regions of the dancer's underwear. |
(Photo Source: Buck Stone taken by Michael Hill Digital) |
And to keep our ongoing 'relationship' fresh, I recommend that the male dancer not allow his underwear/costume choices to become stale. During a single night, wear a variety of underwear styles in a variety of colors. And if you happen to wear a cowboy hat and boots for some of those changes well, I'll be tipping more. This means that if you want me to loosen the hold on the money in my wallet and hand it over, find out how to push my buttons. I've just told you two possible options: first, wear a cowboy hat and boots (that's an automatic bonus tip from me); second, wear different colors and styles of underwear... here's a secret...I love baby blue or sky blue colored underwear. Wearing a sexy pair of underwear in that color will get you extra tips from me. Every customer has buttons like these. Get to know the customers and get to know their buttons, and push them. You'll build a fan base in no time. |
Warning: never neglect new customers and spend all your time with regular customers only. You never know when those regular customers may move away or stop coming to the club for one reason or another. So, keep cultivating new members for your fan base. Plus, out-of-towners will appreciate being treated like a regular. |
(Photo Source: No Parking Bar Facebook) |
Until next time, I'll be searching for dancers who want me as a fan. And me and all the other fans out here will be ready to slide those dollar bills into fantasy locations. |
Saturday, July 13, 2013
The Post No One Will Read
Avoid Negative People
Support Your Local Exotic Male Dancers
When I see a negative comment posted on facebook, twitter, another blog, etc., I skip it and move on. I do not like negative comments and try to avoid people who are consistently negative. They may have a legitimate point to make, but I prefer that it be made in a different way. So, how can anyone be negative about exotic male dancers? you ask. Read on...if you dare. |
First of all, let me explain why I have the anti-negative comment point of view. I consider myself to be one of the group of worldwide top fans of exotic male dancers. You can ask my partner. We do not plan a trip without there being at least one night (and usually many more) spent at a bar/club/event where exotic male dancers are the featured entertainment. I take trips by myself specifically to see a male revue, visit a club, etc. Yes, it is a part of my Males In Motion 'job'. But I was doing it long before Males In Motion existed. My partner supports me and Males In Motion, and we make trade offs for things he wants to do during the trip as well. And whether he admits it or not, he always has fun with the dancers. Being a top fan means that I naturally have a positive attitude toward the male dancers and places they perform. |
Second, I have lived in areas of the U.S. where you may have to drive hours to get to a location or event where exotic male dancers are featured. I won't live there for very long, but it has happened. So, if there's a club with a dancing boy then I want to support them and help them stay in business. 'The more, the merrier' I say. It amazes me that you can always find a bar/club/event that features drag queens or men dressed in women's clothing, but for some reason, nearly naked men dancing in their underwear are sometimes harder to find in some areas. What's wrong with that picture gay men? Now, before I get in trouble with my female illusionists friends, please let me say, that they have their place in the entertainment world as well. But when given the choice, I will always go where the nearly naked men are dancing! |
Third, people are vicious sometimes when it comes to their comments regarding exotic male dancers. I will see facebook posts of a pic of this drop-dead gorgeous guy with muscles, six pack, 9 inch underwear bulge, piercing eyes (blue, green, brown, hazel...take your pic), etc., and someone will post something like..."He's not that cute." I then look at their pic and scream out of fear. I mean, what planet are you from? Ok, so that's a little dramatic. But, people are judgemental and if they haven't been blessed with certain physical features, or haven't spent the time in the gym to develop their body, etc., they have developed some psychological reason to tear others down. And I also recognize that some male dancers may have attitudes that make them less attractive, but I don't really have a lot of conversations with them, I just stick my dollar down their pants, cop a feel if I can get by with it, squeeze their ass, and return to my dirty martini. Don't get me wrong. I will definitely tip more if I get a positive response from a male dancer. |
If there is one thing I have learned in this business, it is that different types of male dancers do it for different types of fans. There is a wide range of preferences. I can appreciate any body type but I am more attracted to certain types. We all are. There is room for all types...athletic, body builder, slim, twink, bear, leather, extra pounds, etc. And there are fans of all types. As long as the fans are happy, that's all that matters. That means they can go to their favorite location and enjoy the dancing boys, have a few drinks, and go home with a smile on their face. |
Dancing boys come and go. They get older and their audience base changes or they move on to the next phase of their life and career. The bar/clubs/events remain and new dancers step in to take their places. I try to support these locations. I will admit there are some places that have horrible owners and managers. I do not agree with how they operate their business, treat their dancers, or treat their patrons. Instead of dragging their names through the mud in a blog or other online post, I simply ignore them and act like they don't exist. Those are the locations that I hope will close, or the ownership and management will change. And that almost always happens in time because if you don't treat the customers right, they take their business somewhere else. And if you don't treat the male dancers right, then they won't dance for you and the customers will not have a reason to show up. It all works out in time. |
I encourage you to support your local establishments where exotic male dancers perform. And if there is not one near you, encourage those with clubs/bars to add male strippers, go-go boys, male revues, etc., at least one night a week. And you can always take trips to nearby cities and enjoy the pleasure of tipping. Until next time, keep sliding those dollars down, down, down! |
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Nudity Discovered In Pittsburgh
Full Monty At 9:00pm
Exotic Male Dancers At Ptown
(This blog is breaking new ground for Males In Motion. It is written by a guest blogger, our friend Robb Lane. Thanks Robb. We love the blog! ~ Mike) |
On a recent trip to Pittsburgh to see some friends and catch the touring production of The Book of Mormon I decided to venture out and visit some of the gay bars that the city had to offer. After having dinner with friends in the Shadyside area I decided that before I went back to my hotel in downtown Pittsburgh I wanted to at least drive by a couple of the gay bars in the eastern part of the city. I normally would not go to a gay bar by myself the first time I visit a new city, but I was in the mood to see some male strippers and had heard that several of the bars in Pittsburgh have them on various nights of the week. |
I ended up at PTown first. I was able to find free parking next door. It was still early (around 7pm eastern) but I decided to go on into the bar and see what time the strippers would take the stage. Entering the bar I felt quite welcome. There was a bartender and one other patron in the bar. I was welcomed by Kian and asked to come join him and the other patron of the bar for a drink and conversation. I immediately felt welcomed and comfortable to stay a while.
PTown reminds me of a friendly neighborhood bar and that is really appealing to me. It has a U shaped bar with barstools all around it. It has a pool table and a jukebox for your enjoyment. And it has a simple stage for the dancer boys to shake all they have. |
I was told by Kian that the stripper would start to dance at 9pm. So I decided since I was having a good conversation with Kian and the other guy at the bar I would just stay and enjoy the show. As it got closer to show time several other men came in and grabbed seats around the bar and a couple of guys played pool. It was not overcrowded and the bar was not too smoky which is a great thing for this nonsmoker who just happens to love the dancing boys! |
Cole was the dancer of the night and he came out in a nice pair of underwear promptly at 9pm. He was a cute little dude with a nice tight body. He got up on the stage and started dancing. He has some nice moves. It took him very little time to shed those undies and let us all see every bit of his manhood. I was both shocked and greatly appreciative that I had decided to stay! No one had told me that the strippers can go ala nude in Pittsburgh! Such a great surprise! |
Each time Cole danced on the stage he would take everything off and let everyone see every inch of his body. And let me tell you…. There was a lot to look at. But once he stepped off the stage he had to put his undies back on. When Cole wasn’t dancing he would walk around and sell shots and talk with the customers. I got to give him a couple of dollars up close and personal that way, and let me tell you he was not shy to let me get a good eye full when I was tucking those ones in his underwear. |
By 10:30pm the bar had got busy but still was not too crowded to have a good time. I really did not want to leave but decided to go and check out a few more bars while I was in town. I highly recommend you visit PTown if you are in the Pittsburgh area or just feel like taking a road trip. PTown has strippers on the weekends but make sure you check out their facebook page because sometimes they even have strippers on the weekdays. If you go and see Kian or Cole tell them the guy from Ohio sent you! Make sure you tip them some $1’s for me! |
Until next time! Robb Lane |
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