I was fortunate to have grown up in a Norman Rockwell style holiday home. For those of you unaware of who Norman Rockwell was, click here and make the discovery. On Christmas morning my siblings and I still in pajamas, took turns opening presents. As a boy, I was always most excited about opening toys. As an adult, my wish list for presents has changed but I still get excited about toys, well, boy toys. And when I say boy toys, I'm talking exotic male dancers. And I particularly like the ones who come out all wrapped up like a package and then unwrap themselves for my pleasure.
This year I feel like Christmas is coming early for me. Two days after Thanksgiving (Saturday, November 24), I will be in Springfield, Massachusetts to serve as a judge for the annual Mr. X-Room contest held at X-Room at Mardi Gras. I will be judging the performances of several male strippers as they vie for the title. Serving as a judge is an experience that always fills me with excited anticipation. I also get to spend time with industry friends that I haven't seen in a while. When the boys perform in the contest, yes sir, they strip to completely nude! Woohoo! ***Doing a happy dance here!*** The X-Room is the only all-nude male strip club in New England. See, it's Christmas for Michael Hill! I will definitely enjoy watching each of my presents unwrap themselves.
I recently spoke with Sammy Velazquez, a friend who is also the manager of X-Room, to get a few details about the Mr. X-Room Contest. The contest has been an annual event for the past five years at the current X-Room location. However, you could actually say that the contest started in 2002-2003 when X-Room was at a different location and known as X-Static. My first visit to the club was when it was known as X-Static. All contestants must be a current dancer at the club. New hires are not eligible. Each contestant performs one song and are judged on the performance by the judges and by the audience reaction. The winner receives a cash prize, photos and a bar tab for the year.
- Links For This Blog
- X-Room on Facebook
- Eric, Mr. X-Room 2018 on Facebook
- Click Here and read our blog featuring Eric, a Males In Motion 2017 Monthly Obsession
If you live in the Springfield, Massachusetts area or will be there this coming Saturday night, come join us and enjoy the contest. Also, please come up to me and introduce yourself. I love meeting other male dancer fans and blog readers. Before the contest if you can't find me, it's probably because I'm busy enjoying private lap dances from non-contestant dancers. You see, one of my all-time favorite X-Room dancers will be there (he knows who he is), and I have some private lap dance time to catch up on. But please hang around so I can meet you.
Does your favorite club that features male strippers have a Mr. XXXX male stripper title? Talk to the manager and/or owner and recommend a male stripper contest for 2019. For X-Room and other clubs, it is a successful night. It can be for your favorite club as well! Until next time, don't forget to tip the boys! If they're naked, make it rain!
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