By now most people have seen a television commercial, situation comedy, or a movie where one of the characters is faced with a decision. During the agony of making the decision, small versions of themselves or friends appear dressed as an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The "mini-me's" in this case are representations of the forces of good and evil, or simply the right and wrong choices.
I'm going to give these two munchkins a different job to do for this blog. The devil represents the go-go boy or stripper who has been working it for about an hour, he is sweating, and it won't be long before he is going to be "ripe". The little devil says, "You're having a great time. Keep working it. They're loving you!" The little angel on the other shoulder represents the honest, thoughtful and intelligent thought processes. The angel says, "Let's be real guy. You are starting to stink. You need to go take a shower or at least clean yourself up. Maybe change your clothes. Then come back out and accept more tips from the fans."

I'm all about the angel at this moment. From the perspective of a fan of exotic male dancers, let me just say that it is a little disconcerting to make your way to a male dancer for the purpose of tipping him, only to be hit by a wave of pure reak that almost knocks you down. So, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but you get my point. Yes, there are some people who possess a fetish for body smells (we'll just leave it there), but I don't happen to be one of them. And I am guessing that most fans feel the same.
Ok, I'm being real here and not trying to turn your stomach or make you lose your lunch. But real story, I watched an acquaintance tip a dancer who I thought was really hot. When this friend returned to his seat he had a grimace on his face. To me that was kind of weird. So, I asked him why he had that look on his face. He told me that "The dancer smelled like ass." Ok, I know T-M-I but it is a reality. (Keep reading you'll get through this.) Personal hygiene is extremely important in the realm of exotic male dancer nudity and semi-nudity. Never think to yourself that no one will notice because I assure you someone will.

I like a male stripper who wears a sexy fragrance. Now I don't want to greet the fragrance before I get to the stripper. But as I lean in to tip him in his nether regions, or when he leans over to thank me with a hug or kiss on the cheek, I like to "catch a whiff" of a sexy fragrance. If it is something I really like, it's fairly certain that I will return to that dancer just to tip again so I can "catch it again". Also, if I really, really like the fragrance, I'm more encouraged to request a visit to the VIP Room with the dancer.
Now, let's turn-the-tables and come from the other direction. Respect the male strippers. Please consider a ritual of personal hygiene before you enter the male stripper's domain. It's only fair. As they say, "Turn about is fair play". I have it on good authority that you should wear musk or earthy smells during the winter and light, citrus type fragrances in the warmer weather.

I give the fragrance a position of importance as a part of the exotic male dancer's costume. It is something he will put on, and it is something that can effect the patrons of a bar or club. With that being said, at this point, in a blatant attempt to achieve commercial success, I have included a few links to current popular fragrances. Males In Motion is an affiliate with the vendor that sells these fragrances. So, if you choose to buy from them, I will get a small commission. Just keeping it real here. That small commission will assist me in visiting more clubs and writing new reviews so that you are kept up to date on the hottest male strippers, and the clubs where they perform. At this moment I am compelled to say, "And fragrances make great gifts too!"
Below are five of the most popular fragrances for men to date:

John Varvatos

Hanae Mori

L'eau D'issey Pour Homme

Black Code by Armani

Acqua Di Gio by Armani


If you have an opinion on the use of fragrances by exotic male dancers, please share it with me. Let me know about the negative or positive experiences you have had. Add it in a comment below or
email me and let your opinion be counted. Until next time, tip the boyz and tell them how sexy they smell.
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