What is this place of mystery and legend? Rumors abound. We've heard some speak about a hidden band of conjurers who make their abode on the enchanted Isle of Manhattan.
How can you describe it? Dramatic? No doubt.
Theatrical? Oh yea! The visual experience alone is intoxicating. Vibrant and exotic costumes are worn by creative individuals all seeking a place where they can come together, dance and celebrate life.
The mages call it F-WORD and it magically appears on Friday Nights at a club called Splash in New York City!

The success or failure of themed nightclub parties is completely dependent on the people involved. The managers, show directors and promoters must possess a wild and vivid imagination that fuels a vision of what can be. The patrons and participants, must be willing to step up and turn the vision into reality, if for only one night. All the ingredients come together for F-WORD whether it be Cops And Robbers, Angels And Demons, Vampires, Superheroes, or anything you can imagine.
If you are lucky enough to be close to NYC and able to participate in F-WORD, you soon realize that these guys know how to throw a party. And for Males In Motion to be interested in said parties, there has to be plenty of one thing... HOT EXOTIC MALE DANCERS. And they have them!!! You will also find exceptional eye-candy behind the bar and in the house.
How do we know? Well, I'd like to say that I'm a regular participant but distance and the thing called "my life" keep me from being one.

However, the photographer Michael Bernal makes sure I never miss a beat. Michael has an eye for the beautiful, and performs magic with the rugged and handsome. Each week I look forward to viewing what Michael has explored and captured as he shares his new discoveries online through his
Facebook page.

I'll never complain about photos of gorgeous men in studio settings. They are one of my most enjoyed and appreciated forms of art. However, when someone as talented as Michael Bernal can step into my favorite world and capture it's finest for me to admire and desire, I find I must strongly express my true gratitude. Each week Michael gives me the ability to live vicariously through his images in a fantasy world and location I only get to visit about once a year. One of Michael's favorite venues is F-WORD held at the club Splash on Friday nights. Through his photographic depiction, it has become one of our favorites as well.

The F-Word is New York's largest Gay Friday night party. It is FREE before midnight but you must call 646 347 4977 each Friday to get the "magic word" or THE F WORD. We recommend that you join "The F Word NYC" group on Facebook to see all the action and get the latest on their upcoming events and performances.

Although we have included a few more of Michael Bernal's pics below. We encourage you to explore the albums on his facebook page and those on the F-WORD facebook group page in order to get a "hand on" his true talent. Ok, yes, that was a campy remark but so is the pic to the left which we love by the way. There are so many great examples of his work that we had a very difficult time narrowing down to the ones we are featuring. The twelve that we have chosen were selected based on their relevance to this blog and to provide a sample variety of male dancers, costumes, etc. There is so much more to see and enjoy in the albums.

If you have an experience from the F-WORD we would love to hear about it. Leave a comment in the box below or
send me an email.
Oh, and Michael, tell "V" that the pic at left is our favorite both for your talented photography and the subject matter. *Pause for a deep breath and admire*
...And next time you enter the enchanted world called F-WORD, tip the boyz a dollar for me, tell them Mike from Males In Motion sent you. And tell Michael Bernal thanks!
UPDATE: Splash NYC closed it's doors for the last time on Sunday, August 11, 2013.
Click below and watch those sexy French Canadian boys!