From the start of this blog I want to make it very clear that in the world of the exotic male dancer, the phrase, "Different strokes for different folks" rings true. The opinion of the exotic male dancer fan is what matters. For example, there are male dancer "bears" who are beefy and hairy, and some are even overweight. And their fans love them all the same. There is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL philosophy that will work for all fans. My personal opinion is that if you have fans who love to watch you dance then go-for-it and keep them happy, even if you are 85 years old and a resident at a long-term care facility. We could only hope to be so fortunate in our golden years.
However, when we mention an exotic male dancer most of the public has an idea in their head that fits the Chippendale dancers, or the dancers at their favorite local club. And it is the dancer who resembles this male dancer image that will most often discover the most job opportunities being presented to them. With that being said, I will concentrate on fitness that gets attention from fans.
With the New Year celebrations for 2011 came many resolutions. And I think it would be safe to say that a lot of them involved better physical fitness and nutrition. I made one of those, and I am in the process of altering my lifestyle back toward a more healthy path. I admit it, I strayed into the world of many carbs and must find my way back. In my search for nutrition tips, workout plans, and meditation toward those ends, I have found a few links I would like to suggest to those of you who may be making changes in your own lives.
The first recommendation I want to make is Scott Herman Fitness. Scott is an actor, model, and fitness guru. You may remember Scott from a past season of the Real World. Being a member of the cast of the show may have given Scott some notoriety but he is more than a celebrity enjoying the ride of fame. He is passionate and committed about helping others achieve their fitness goals. I believe his ideas, inspiration, and programs can help anyone who is willing to follow his fitness program. And, I must confess that he is quite enjoyable to look at as well. Hey, when I am trying to alter my lifestyle, I need all the inspiration I can get. But, Scott is not just a pretty boy, he knows what he is talking about and sincerely hopes to help make a difference.
Scott Herman Fitness also has a You Tube channel. Scott demonstrates many different workout routines that you can watch and follow along. And there are clips discussing other fitness related topics of interest. New clips are added weekly giving you added inspiration and encouragement on a regular basis.
- Links for Scott Herman
- Scott Herman Fitness Website
- Scott Herman Fitness You Tube Channel
- Scott Herman Facebook Page
And so you know, I receive no financial or other compensation from Scott Herman Fitness for this endorsement. I simply believe that his training and educational instructions are a good place to start in your personal fitness plan. As far as I know, Scott has never been an exotic male dancer but he can definitely help you develop a body that looks good in the latest styles of underwear. He has proven this as an underwear model.
Until next time, get to work on that six-pack...we're talking abs, not beer. And when you see an exotic male dancer who takes care of his body, tip him a dollar for me and say you run your fingers across the results of his hard work of course!
Photo Credits: Scott Herman Facebook Photo Album, Joseph Smileuske Photography
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