For several years super heroes have been a favorite theme for costumes at Halloween and other times of the year. Like everyone else, we have our favorite super heroes. Of course, we may be more fond of hot men in spandex than most. It would be difficult to discuss costumes for exotic male dancers without including super heroes. We've started with one of the originals, Superman, and at some point will work through many of the current movie icons.
Over a year ago I stumbled across a YouTube channel that featured sexy costumes for men based around underwear. There were several great ideas presented on the channel but there had not been any new uploads since 2013. I tried to contact the owner of the channel to see why and if there would be any new videos uploaded. My emails and messages went unanswered. There is also a related website that is still online but is not currently active. I bring this up because the owner who goes by The Underwear Guy is the source of the information for the Superman Costume in this blog. And although he stopped making these videos in 2013, the ideas and inspiration behind them is still relevant and just as helpful today.
Watch the videos below providing instructions on creating a sexy Superman costume featuring sexy underwear. This costume design is not for every party but for those involving exotic male dancers, it's sure to be a hit! Watch the introduction video and it will explain his process for making the costume. For those who do not want to create their own costume, there are links for classic Superman costumes near the bottom of this blog.
I could not find the Venom style underwear on Amazon. If it is exactly what you are wanting, you might be able to find it somewhere else online. I have linked similar products below. These do not have the snake skin pattern.
Gregg Homme Underwear Options:

Joe Snyder Underwear Options:

Gregg Homme Underwear Options:
Joe Snyder Underwear Options:
See links to Classic Superman costumes below videos.
Are you going to become Superman? The sexy Superman will be an attention grabber! For the customer, if the sexy superman costume pushes all your buttons, talk to your favorite male dancer and help him acquire the different components for this costume. I've added some music options for a performance below. Also, there are links below for other costumes. Until next time, up, up and away!
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