Like a kid in a candy store I sat at the judges table enjoying each sweet treat that stepped out. And this time, I was not just watching for my own pleasure, but in pursuit of the winner of the Next Magic Mike Contest. Kody Boggs (a.k.a. - Redd Velvet) had invited me to serve as a judge for the contest, and of course, I was more than delighted. I was getting to participate in my favorite form of entertainment in a unique way. As each male stripper walked into view, the smile on my face was recharged. The Long Island Ice Teas that Kody kept sending my way might have played a part as well.
I arrived at the club a little early so I could check it out and have a cocktail before the contest started. The first room you enter is a long room with a bar that stretches along most of the wall. There are seats along the bar and a pool table at the very back of the room. The bartender, Melissa, was a sweetheart and made me a dirty martini to perfection! My partner Jay and I joined three locals who were already sitting at the bar. We introduced ourselves and they in return told us they were Tricia, Amy and Jerry. After a 12 hour road trip, it was pure pleasure to meet such nice people. Within five minutes, they made both of us feel like we had been friends for life. And who knows, that might just happen since we are now friends on social media.
I ventured into a side area which was closed off by a sliding door. Behind the door was another bar and a dance floor that were unoccupied at the moment. I descended down a set of stairs to an area that has been designated as the dressing room for the performers. This was fantasyland where I watched the entertainers perform magic transforming from their daily personas into Glamazons covered in glitz and glitter. And I mean Glamazons! Most of them looked 10 feet tall with their boots and hair. They all welcomed me and we chatted as I absorbed the electric atmosphere.
As the new creations emerged I was introduced to Redd Velvet, Sabrina Caprice Heartt, Armani Devine and Eris. I also met Santana Visage who would keep the judges on track during the night. I have been friends with most of them on social media for a while. It was great to connect and meet them in person.
And now for the Next Magic Mike Contest! I sat at the judges table with three other people. The table was located on one side of the dance floor in the large room at the top of the stairs. I feel the four of us were a great representation of those involved in the male stripper entertainment industry. I am first of all a customer and fan of male strippers. Then I am a photographer, promoter and blogger for the industry. Next we had Sabrina Caprice Heartt and Armani Devine who are entertainers that work with male strippers. Sabrina and Armeni are seasoned entertainers and it was evident in the quality of their performances during the night. Then there was Christian Cakes, a former male stripper himself. I'll just admit it here. I quickly developed a small crush on the adorable Cristian Cakes and tried to coax him back into the stripper world. I was not successful that night but I'm not finished trying yet.
I can honestly say that I would be happy to tip any one of the male stripper contestants if they were featured at a club. The contestants included Carlos Gomez, Dakota Banks, Cole Knight, Emmanuel Soule, Justin Tyme and Phoenix. Every single one of them were sexy, and had great bodies with very nice assets! I think every person attending could pick out one that pushed their buttons and would be considered their favorite. After the contest was over, tip money kept sliding out of my pocket and jumping into their ... we'll say underwear waist bands. Santana was the winner! Followed by Dakota Banks at second. Both of these guys did a great job in what I consider the most important area. They interacted well with the crowd. When you focus on making sure the customers/fans are having a good time, you can't help but have a great night! Cole Knight was selected as "Daddy's Choice", a prize given to a favorite dancer of a special fan!
It was announced later that the night had been a huge success for the bar! Kody Boggs did an amazing job putting the event together and then keeping it running smoothly. Thank you Kody for allowing me to be a part of this event. I hope others will be inspired and host similar events like The Next Magic Mike Contest.
- Links for Somewhere and Contestants
- Somewhere on Facebook
- Somewhere website
- Santana (Contest Winner)
Photo Source: Carlos Gomez Facebook - Dakota Banks (Second Place)
Photo Source: Dakota Banks Facebook - Cole Knight (Daddy's Choice Award)
Photo Source: Boudoir by Tina - Emmanuel Soule (Contestant)
Photo Source: Emmanuel Soule Facebook
- Phoenix (Contestant)
Photo Source: Phoenix Facebook
- Justin Case (Contestant)
- Armani Devine Facebook (Judge and Entertainer)
Photo Source: Armani Devine Facebook
- Sabrina Caprice Heartt Facebook (Judge and Entertainer)
Photo Source: Sabrina Caprice Heartt Facebook
Photo Source: Somewhere Facebook
Photo Source: Justin Case Facebook
I want to give a shout out to two friends who I am so happy I was finally able to meet - Johnny and Daddy Rob. I have spoken to you guys online several times and to Johnny on the phone many times. I am grateful to both of you for the friendship that has developed. We share the love of the exotic male dancer entertainment industry. Thank you Johnny for being my eyes and ears at events where I am unable to attend. Thank you Daddy Rob for referring new and veteran male dancers to the Males In Motion website and blog, I would love to celebrate my birthday with one or both of you guys at a male stripper event! I know it would be epic with you guys along! Actually, it wouldn't have to be my birthday, just any time works for me! Thank you both for attending this event where we could meet in person!
If you would like more information about hosting a contest similar to the Next Magic Mike contest, feel free to contact Kody Boggs for more information. He welcomes everyone to contact him for tips and suggestions on what all is involved, etc. If you will be in or near Lima, OH, I recommend that you stop in at Somewhere. And for fans like me, Somewhere features male strippers on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. Until next time, don't forget to tip the boys! And ask the owner/manager of your favorite club to bring in the dancing boys for a contest or a special event night!
Special "THANK YOU!" To Shawn Cotterman for the pics used in this blog! For more information about this event, please read the pre-contest blog, "It's A Naught Job But Somebody Has To Do It At Somewhere".
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